Hudson Builds
2014-10-08 15:42:39 UTC
See <>
[***] Automated merge with main-silver
[***] Automated merge with file:///mnt/SSD180/NETBEANS/SRC/HG_DEV2/web-main
[***] Increased spec. version.
[Roman Svitanic <***>] Automated merge with
[Roman Svitanic <***>] #247736: IllegalStateException at org.netbeans.modules.html.knockout.KODataBindContext.pop - fixed
[***] Mnemonics and a small correction to condition customization.
[***] #247786: Conditions introduced for JavaScript breakpoints.
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Improve node.js project problems
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Detect version just once
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Minor fix
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Enable node.js run by default for JS libraries
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Use util method
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Add node.js util class
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Add notification for run configuration
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Listen on changes in runAs configuration
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Add & use constant
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Add 'ask' property to preferences
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Better method name
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Remove unused method
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Fix typo in constant name
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Improve info label text
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Minor fix
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Use only one badge for project icon
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Count on "nodejs" CLI as well
On *nix only.
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Show only external URL for platform run configuration
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Minor UI improvement
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Fix validation of RunInfo
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Add validation method for debug port
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Move debug port to node.js customizer
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Minor UI fix
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Minor UI fix
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Minor change
[***] Automated merge with main-silver
[***] Automated merge with main-silver
[...truncated 1559 lines...]
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Wed May 25 16:50:33 2011 +0200
summary: Merge with default on May 25, 2011
changeset: 194710:ad501b78a7ad
branch: jet-dev71
user: Jan Becicka <***>
date: Fri May 06 15:36:19 2011 +0200
summary: Introduce parameter initial prototype
changeset: 194442:e9ca10a49b10
branch: savable-77210
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Mon May 16 18:27:27 2011 +0200
summary: findDisplayName needs to be implemented
changeset: 193217:28430c6c6eef
branch: make-project-no-ant-193253
user: Vladimir Kvashin <***>
date: Thu Apr 28 16:28:23 2011 +0400
summary: fixed run for project that is open from remote file system
changeset: 193045:ddd11d550944
branch: post70
parent: 192936:e9bbd9159f15
parent: 193044:aebcae898e51
user: Jesse Glick <***>
date: Tue Apr 26 09:31:54 2011 +0200
summary: synch w/ trunk
changeset: 187413:ada9735b6e86
branch: installer_december_2010
user: ***
date: Wed Jan 05 18:00:01 2011 +0100
summary: Attempting to fix dependencies in the Ruby cluster - in trunk the build works by chance.
changeset: 186826:6b9f22416385
branch: pac-proxy-136036
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Thu Jan 20 10:59:02 2011 +0100
summary: Detect Proxy Config Script on KDE
changeset: 179613:008d9d1cc0f6
branch: jdk7
user: Jan Lahoda <***>
date: Wed Oct 13 13:30:09 2010 +0200
summary: Updating the nb-javac library.
changeset: 179396:8b5e770f2aa1
branch: predefined-connection-188901
user: Jiri Rechtacek <***>
date: Mon Oct 11 23:23:48 2010 +0200
summary: display warning when user install a not supported driver
changeset: 177853:b76b558e0f93
branch: fs_watches_26230
user: Petr NejedlĂ˝ <***>
date: Mon Sep 20 10:23:55 2010 +0200
summary: Native FS watchers: Queue, group and delay external events.
changeset: 177359:27f3545cf5c6
branch: less-blocking-189979-and-181300
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Fri Sep 10 15:02:21 2010 +0200
summary: Eager children generate one event
changeset: 176897:351141e6ce48
branch: html5parser_2
user: Marek Fukala <***>
date: Wed Sep 01 11:15:30 2010 +0200
summary: adding lincese headers
changeset: 176695:6bc666ca01cd
branch: support-procedures-188198
user: Jiri Rechtacek <***>
date: Mon Aug 30 16:11:11 2010 +0200
summary: declare Map instead of HashMap
changeset: 176380:0de2180a7987
branch: action-reference-189558
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Wed Aug 25 10:52:52 2010 +0200
summary: Show only folders. Try to give them localized names
changeset: 175446:4e8dd82dab94
branch: action-registration-183794
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Tue Aug 10 10:06:26 2010 +0200
summary: JG13 from 183794: Warn when not using generics
changeset: 174787:880120adad67
branch: jsf-el-parser
user: Erno Mononen <***>
date: Fri Jul 23 14:21:02 2010 +0200
summary: Minor clean up
changeset: 174667:cce63e02e1a8
branch: html5parser
user: Marek Fukala <***>
date: Thu Jul 22 16:16:14 2010 +0200
summary: fixing broken deps.
changeset: 174581:68ecaa97541f
branch: debugger_view_renderers
parent: 174579:03a104c8674f
parent: 174580:a4e6e9dc3140
user: ***
date: Tue Jun 08 16:24:33 2010 +0200
summary: Branch merge.
changeset: 173657:00798124636d
branch: context-aware-undo-redo-180614
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Tue Jun 29 10:26:46 2010 +0200
summary: Documenting UndoRedo.Provider
changeset: 173327:b5338affae8c
branch: immutable-file-name-184854
parent: 173028:6cb009217b97
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Mon Jun 21 20:56:25 2010 +0200
summary: Allow change in case on case insensitive systems
changeset: 167990:b660de30f8bd
branch: external-changes-184219
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Mon Apr 19 11:52:24 2010 +0200
summary: Don't process null value
changeset: 167661:de3e55dfb7f5
branch: repack-fod-181281
parent: 161663:d06da8edac89
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Thu Apr 15 10:26:59 2010 +0200
summary: Fallback to default badge if none provided
changeset: 164845:9322b5e8a800
branch: indices-168237
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Thu Mar 25 11:08:06 2010 +0100
summary: Documenting the refreshSlow attribute
changeset: 161370:8fc5d4423ec6
branch: rcp-installers-179089
user: Dmitry Lipin <***>
date: Wed Feb 24 18:50:41 2010 +0300
summary: Ensure to run child Ant process on the same JVM as the parent one
changeset: 160559:f861c9df2b98
branch: sample-osgi-apps-180791
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Wed Feb 17 17:26:10 2010 +0100
summary: Start the download of netbinox as part of the wizard
changeset: 160150:20a94046c5f8
branch: nbms-pack200-84852
user: Jesse Glick <***>
date: Wed Feb 10 17:35:16 2010 -0500
summary: Probable SIOOBE.
changeset: 158722:c04ac56d8e4a
branch: netigso-as-module
parent: 158721:3f5c0eacf44f
parent: 158698:3fc727840087
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Mon Feb 01 12:24:26 2010 +0100
summary: Merging default into netigso-as-module to get Jesse's changes for plain OSGi support
changeset: 157872:551d7bcd0100
branch: use-felix.bootdelegation.classloaders
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Fri Jan 22 07:12:03 2010 +0100
summary: Using development version of felix that provides support for bootdelegation classloaders
changeset: 157334:8f14fe10abea
branch: features-off-demand
parent: 157332:264d38116202
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Fri Jan 15 07:04:26 2010 +0100
summary: Reverting two accidentally changed test files to branch point of features-off-demand
changeset: 156198:b448b14e9527
branch: parallel_kenais
user: Jan Becicka <***>
date: Tue Dec 22 08:59:20 2009 +0100
summary: Issue #178934 - Get Sources from Kenai dialog dowsn't respect the selected kenai instance
changeset: 156073:5ded90924e7c
branch: separate-lookup-170056
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Fri Dec 18 10:42:28 2009 +0100
summary: Fixing broken indentation and splitting dependencies of few new modules
changeset: 154813:6bf42a271248
branch: autoupdate-ant-174846
parent: 154811:74fa6bdbfa9d
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Fri Nov 27 19:13:17 2009 +0100
summary: JG14: Don't sort using test dependencies
changeset: 154393:efd62a072dae
branch: sampling-profile-175999
parent: 153959:9a3d2b7733d9
user: Pavel Flaska <***>
date: Fri Nov 20 12:29:08 2009 +0100
summary: #175999: Adding sampling to GoToType when it took more than 3s
changeset: 149818:32a910d6b6cf
branch: vcs-indexing-integration-167098
user: Vita Stejskal <***>
date: Wed Oct 14 15:28:14 2009 +0200
summary: fixing ArrayStoreException - we want to dump the map keys to the array; not the map entries
changeset: 145956:1a70cfeb4c4e
branch: recursive_listener_170862
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Wed Sep 16 16:32:49 2009 +0200
summary: Aligning versions to 1.28
changeset: 136750:d1f35ed43181
branch: actions_70280
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Fri Jun 26 15:18:49 2009 +0200
summary: Converting some callback actions
changeset: 119836:5ec2ee2cf051
branch: netbeans
user: Jesse Glick <***>
date: Fri Nov 21 21:49:34 2008 +0000
summary: Updated spec version.
changeset: 68518:f51b2cc2182d
branch: weak_proxy_lookup_but_does_not_GC_template_and_its_class
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Tue Feb 05 19:43:00 2008 +0100
summary: An attempt to make the result hold the data weak, but it does not work because of GC of template's class
changeset: 67273:7046d0487ce2
branch: lazy
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Wed Feb 13 12:38:47 2008 +0100
summary: #125657: Showing reasonable actions in the popup of lazyproject's node
Script failed with exitcode 9 rolling back to 0f6af1b66b6900eba1ee4c2aef12daae5b32e6fd
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
37 files updated, 0 files merged, 3 files removed, 0 files unresolved
saved backup bundle to <>
pulling from
abort: unknown revision '0f6af1b66b6900eba1ee4c2aef12daae5b32e6fd'!
[***] Automated merge with main-silver
[***] Automated merge with file:///mnt/SSD180/NETBEANS/SRC/HG_DEV2/web-main
[***] Increased spec. version.
[Roman Svitanic <***>] Automated merge with
[Roman Svitanic <***>] #247736: IllegalStateException at org.netbeans.modules.html.knockout.KODataBindContext.pop - fixed
[***] Mnemonics and a small correction to condition customization.
[***] #247786: Conditions introduced for JavaScript breakpoints.
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Improve node.js project problems
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Detect version just once
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Minor fix
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Enable node.js run by default for JS libraries
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Use util method
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Add node.js util class
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Add notification for run configuration
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Listen on changes in runAs configuration
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Add & use constant
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Add 'ask' property to preferences
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Better method name
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Remove unused method
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Fix typo in constant name
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Improve info label text
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Minor fix
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Use only one badge for project icon
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Count on "nodejs" CLI as well
On *nix only.
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Show only external URL for platform run configuration
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Minor UI improvement
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Fix validation of RunInfo
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Add validation method for debug port
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Move debug port to node.js customizer
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Minor UI fix
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Minor UI fix
[Tomas Mysik <***>] Minor change
[***] Automated merge with main-silver
[***] Automated merge with main-silver
[...truncated 1559 lines...]
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Wed May 25 16:50:33 2011 +0200
summary: Merge with default on May 25, 2011
changeset: 194710:ad501b78a7ad
branch: jet-dev71
user: Jan Becicka <***>
date: Fri May 06 15:36:19 2011 +0200
summary: Introduce parameter initial prototype
changeset: 194442:e9ca10a49b10
branch: savable-77210
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Mon May 16 18:27:27 2011 +0200
summary: findDisplayName needs to be implemented
changeset: 193217:28430c6c6eef
branch: make-project-no-ant-193253
user: Vladimir Kvashin <***>
date: Thu Apr 28 16:28:23 2011 +0400
summary: fixed run for project that is open from remote file system
changeset: 193045:ddd11d550944
branch: post70
parent: 192936:e9bbd9159f15
parent: 193044:aebcae898e51
user: Jesse Glick <***>
date: Tue Apr 26 09:31:54 2011 +0200
summary: synch w/ trunk
changeset: 187413:ada9735b6e86
branch: installer_december_2010
user: ***
date: Wed Jan 05 18:00:01 2011 +0100
summary: Attempting to fix dependencies in the Ruby cluster - in trunk the build works by chance.
changeset: 186826:6b9f22416385
branch: pac-proxy-136036
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Thu Jan 20 10:59:02 2011 +0100
summary: Detect Proxy Config Script on KDE
changeset: 179613:008d9d1cc0f6
branch: jdk7
user: Jan Lahoda <***>
date: Wed Oct 13 13:30:09 2010 +0200
summary: Updating the nb-javac library.
changeset: 179396:8b5e770f2aa1
branch: predefined-connection-188901
user: Jiri Rechtacek <***>
date: Mon Oct 11 23:23:48 2010 +0200
summary: display warning when user install a not supported driver
changeset: 177853:b76b558e0f93
branch: fs_watches_26230
user: Petr NejedlĂ˝ <***>
date: Mon Sep 20 10:23:55 2010 +0200
summary: Native FS watchers: Queue, group and delay external events.
changeset: 177359:27f3545cf5c6
branch: less-blocking-189979-and-181300
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Fri Sep 10 15:02:21 2010 +0200
summary: Eager children generate one event
changeset: 176897:351141e6ce48
branch: html5parser_2
user: Marek Fukala <***>
date: Wed Sep 01 11:15:30 2010 +0200
summary: adding lincese headers
changeset: 176695:6bc666ca01cd
branch: support-procedures-188198
user: Jiri Rechtacek <***>
date: Mon Aug 30 16:11:11 2010 +0200
summary: declare Map instead of HashMap
changeset: 176380:0de2180a7987
branch: action-reference-189558
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Wed Aug 25 10:52:52 2010 +0200
summary: Show only folders. Try to give them localized names
changeset: 175446:4e8dd82dab94
branch: action-registration-183794
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Tue Aug 10 10:06:26 2010 +0200
summary: JG13 from 183794: Warn when not using generics
changeset: 174787:880120adad67
branch: jsf-el-parser
user: Erno Mononen <***>
date: Fri Jul 23 14:21:02 2010 +0200
summary: Minor clean up
changeset: 174667:cce63e02e1a8
branch: html5parser
user: Marek Fukala <***>
date: Thu Jul 22 16:16:14 2010 +0200
summary: fixing broken deps.
changeset: 174581:68ecaa97541f
branch: debugger_view_renderers
parent: 174579:03a104c8674f
parent: 174580:a4e6e9dc3140
user: ***
date: Tue Jun 08 16:24:33 2010 +0200
summary: Branch merge.
changeset: 173657:00798124636d
branch: context-aware-undo-redo-180614
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Tue Jun 29 10:26:46 2010 +0200
summary: Documenting UndoRedo.Provider
changeset: 173327:b5338affae8c
branch: immutable-file-name-184854
parent: 173028:6cb009217b97
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Mon Jun 21 20:56:25 2010 +0200
summary: Allow change in case on case insensitive systems
changeset: 167990:b660de30f8bd
branch: external-changes-184219
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Mon Apr 19 11:52:24 2010 +0200
summary: Don't process null value
changeset: 167661:de3e55dfb7f5
branch: repack-fod-181281
parent: 161663:d06da8edac89
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Thu Apr 15 10:26:59 2010 +0200
summary: Fallback to default badge if none provided
changeset: 164845:9322b5e8a800
branch: indices-168237
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Thu Mar 25 11:08:06 2010 +0100
summary: Documenting the refreshSlow attribute
changeset: 161370:8fc5d4423ec6
branch: rcp-installers-179089
user: Dmitry Lipin <***>
date: Wed Feb 24 18:50:41 2010 +0300
summary: Ensure to run child Ant process on the same JVM as the parent one
changeset: 160559:f861c9df2b98
branch: sample-osgi-apps-180791
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Wed Feb 17 17:26:10 2010 +0100
summary: Start the download of netbinox as part of the wizard
changeset: 160150:20a94046c5f8
branch: nbms-pack200-84852
user: Jesse Glick <***>
date: Wed Feb 10 17:35:16 2010 -0500
summary: Probable SIOOBE.
changeset: 158722:c04ac56d8e4a
branch: netigso-as-module
parent: 158721:3f5c0eacf44f
parent: 158698:3fc727840087
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Mon Feb 01 12:24:26 2010 +0100
summary: Merging default into netigso-as-module to get Jesse's changes for plain OSGi support
changeset: 157872:551d7bcd0100
branch: use-felix.bootdelegation.classloaders
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Fri Jan 22 07:12:03 2010 +0100
summary: Using development version of felix that provides support for bootdelegation classloaders
changeset: 157334:8f14fe10abea
branch: features-off-demand
parent: 157332:264d38116202
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Fri Jan 15 07:04:26 2010 +0100
summary: Reverting two accidentally changed test files to branch point of features-off-demand
changeset: 156198:b448b14e9527
branch: parallel_kenais
user: Jan Becicka <***>
date: Tue Dec 22 08:59:20 2009 +0100
summary: Issue #178934 - Get Sources from Kenai dialog dowsn't respect the selected kenai instance
changeset: 156073:5ded90924e7c
branch: separate-lookup-170056
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Fri Dec 18 10:42:28 2009 +0100
summary: Fixing broken indentation and splitting dependencies of few new modules
changeset: 154813:6bf42a271248
branch: autoupdate-ant-174846
parent: 154811:74fa6bdbfa9d
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Fri Nov 27 19:13:17 2009 +0100
summary: JG14: Don't sort using test dependencies
changeset: 154393:efd62a072dae
branch: sampling-profile-175999
parent: 153959:9a3d2b7733d9
user: Pavel Flaska <***>
date: Fri Nov 20 12:29:08 2009 +0100
summary: #175999: Adding sampling to GoToType when it took more than 3s
changeset: 149818:32a910d6b6cf
branch: vcs-indexing-integration-167098
user: Vita Stejskal <***>
date: Wed Oct 14 15:28:14 2009 +0200
summary: fixing ArrayStoreException - we want to dump the map keys to the array; not the map entries
changeset: 145956:1a70cfeb4c4e
branch: recursive_listener_170862
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Wed Sep 16 16:32:49 2009 +0200
summary: Aligning versions to 1.28
changeset: 136750:d1f35ed43181
branch: actions_70280
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Fri Jun 26 15:18:49 2009 +0200
summary: Converting some callback actions
changeset: 119836:5ec2ee2cf051
branch: netbeans
user: Jesse Glick <***>
date: Fri Nov 21 21:49:34 2008 +0000
summary: Updated spec version.
changeset: 68518:f51b2cc2182d
branch: weak_proxy_lookup_but_does_not_GC_template_and_its_class
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Tue Feb 05 19:43:00 2008 +0100
summary: An attempt to make the result hold the data weak, but it does not work because of GC of template's class
changeset: 67273:7046d0487ce2
branch: lazy
user: Jaroslav Tulach <***>
date: Wed Feb 13 12:38:47 2008 +0100
summary: #125657: Showing reasonable actions in the popup of lazyproject's node
Script failed with exitcode 9 rolling back to 0f6af1b66b6900eba1ee4c2aef12daae5b32e6fd
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
37 files updated, 0 files merged, 3 files removed, 0 files unresolved
saved backup bundle to <>
pulling from
abort: unknown revision '0f6af1b66b6900eba1ee4c2aef12daae5b32e6fd'!